Being a Happy Tenant – Useful Tips and Advice

In order to ensure that you have a safe and happy stay, there are a number of measures you can – and should – take when you find a new place to rent, as well as during the lease itself.

If you want to lead a happy, comfortable, safe and peaceful life in your new apartment, consider addressing all these issues so you and your family can breathe more easily.

Find Out as Much as Possible about the Property

The first thing you should do, before even accepting a lease agreement, is to learn as much as possible about the landlord, the property and the surrounding premises.

Was the property rented before? How does the landlord handle rent payments and maintenance tasks? Also, ask around to see how friendly the neighbors are and whether or not you’ll be comfortable and safe living in that type of neighborhood.

Get Everything in Writing

Even if you find a place to rent with the help of a friend whom you trust, don’t be fooled into avoiding a written agreement. There are a lot of things that could go wrong and many ways a landlord can, at some point, claim that he’s entitled to more rent or to a portion of your security deposit.

The best way of protecting yourself from these issues is by getting everything in writing and making sure that all the points of the written lease agreement is in accordance with your needs and requirements.

Keep Open Communication with Your Landlord

Keeping communication channels open is one of the best ways to make sure you and your landlord are on the same page regarding all the aspects associated with your stay at his property.

Apart from requesting repairs whenever something is broken or asking about issues with your security deposit every time you get the chance, consider making small talk or even inviting your landlord over to see how you’ve settled in.

While you can’t always befriend someone who would kick you out if you don’t pay them money every month, there are a lot of advantages to being open and friendly.

Consider Renter’s Insurance

Renter’s insurance is probably the surest way to protect yourself in the event that something goes wrong with your lease agreement.

Typically costing somewhere around the $300 mark – although, depending on the offer, it can vary – a renter’s insurance doesn’t simply cover you in the event of a theft or natural disaster.

It also allows you to get compensation if, for instance, you get sued by someone claiming to have been injured within the premises of your rented property.

Find Out about Relocation Assistance

While Florida doesn’t offer the same benefits for renters as some other states, you can still try to find out about a few relocation assistance services that can help you in the event of having to suddenly move out or change your job.

Programs exist to help with re-employment, so you don’t have to go without paying your rent and face eviction. While some of them are only available for families with the lowest income, you could still look up the terms and find out if you might be eligible.

Even if not all of these considerations can apply to you, they will often help you keep away from trouble, protect your rights, get all the details of the lease to go smoothly and even stay on friendly terms with the landlord, neighbors and everyone else you’ll be interacting with.